My name is Latrice (aka Ms Lala) and I am here to help you on your hair growth journey. I have had natural hair for over 12 years. I grew my hair long with a simple method I call the 3 M’s of Hair Care- Minimize Breakage, Maximize Growth, Maintain Progress. Take the quiz below to determine where you should start on your journey to long healthy hair.

1. When combing and styling my hair I notice
a. Small pieces of hair on the sink or in the comb when I am done
b. A few pieces of hair but mostly longer strands of shed hair
c. No breakage, only shed hair
2. When I touch my hair it feels
a. Dry and brittle
b. Soft but it could be more moisturized
c. My hair feels completely moisturized
3. Look at the ends of your hair. What do you notice?
a. Split ends and or single strand knots on many strands
b. A few splits or knots here and there
c. None of the above
4. Which of the following best describes your hair growth?
a. I can tell my hair is growing but it seems to stay the same length
b. My hair appears to grow slowly
c. My hair is growing but I would like to retain more length or continue to maintain the length I have
5. How would you describe you hair routine or hair regimen?
a. Regimen, what’s that?
b. I have a regimen but it needs to be improved
c. I am happy with my hair regimen but I’m looking to adjust it or to try new products
Using your answers determine where you should start…
Mostly A’s– start with Minimize Breakage
Mostly B’s– start with Maximize Growth
Mostly C’s– start with Maintain Progress
My answers were all mixed up!- start here
Please watch my first YouTube video on my page here is my video link Natural Short Hair Style … Hope you enjoy Natural Beauties #teamnatural #teamnaturalhair #natualhair #naturalbeauty P.S. can you please Shot me out I would really appreciate it.
Please watch my first YouTube video on my page here is my video link … Hope you enjoy Natural Beauties #teamnatural #teamnaturalhair #natualhair #naturalbeauty
Hi mslala, i am a young girl who is growing my hair natural. I actually use ordinary hair products in my hair because i didn’t know i needed some particular hair oils and products to grow it faster and more until i came across your blog. I don’t know what to do now and i need your help. Please help me:(
I would suggest you start with the getting started guide. It will help you analyze your hair and determine where to start. I am also getting a forum up and running where you can ask more specific questions.
Thank you for visiting my site and please return!
Try Elixir Hair Oil by Les Joli. It’s 100% natural and organic and using Argan and other natural herbs that are proven to stimulate hair follicles and help with hair growth. My hair had grown so much since I’ve been using it and my fair looks do healthy and doesn’t break like it use to! has great styling scarves made with fabric that promote healthy hair! Check it out and even become a natural hair model featured on the website. The natural hair answer is The Wire Scarf™
I need help!! I have been natural for about a year or more. I have the dries and roughest textured hair. I cant keep it soft. i cant keep in moist in it. I dont know what to do. Its like everything just sits on top of my hair and never soaks in. I need a hair miracle because im going nuts!!!
This sounds like a porosity issue. Have you ever used any products to help correct porosity?
HI! Have you considered leave-in conditioners? Those always help me maintain moisture throughout the entire day. Also try curling gels and spritzers; they seals my ends and prevents them from drying out. In addition, if you’d tried every product and every method try keeping a mini hair spray bottle filled with water. Then throughout the day, if you feel those ends crinkling just spray some water for guaranteed moisture retention.
Hi, Ms. Lana. I’ve been natural for a few weeks now but don’t know which product is for me; Cantu hair products or Shea Moisture hair products or Kinky Curly hair products. Please give me some advice on which one to use.
Hi there, I saw your comment and realized that I use two of those products! I use kinky curly for shampoo and leave-in, shea moisture for conditioner, and several others for styling and custards and so on. I’d suggest trying each one out and seeing how they work for your hair until you find the right combination for your hair type and texture! Hope that helped:)
I’ve been natural for a couple of years now. I get my hair flat ironed now because its easier to maintain but I’ve noticed that my scalp gets severly flaky & dry. I will sometimes put the African Pride oil on my scalp or BB’s super grow. I dont know what else to do to prevent this. My hair also sheds alot. Any suggestions are welcome. And since ive been flat ironing for a while whats the best products to get my curls back?
Hello, I have been natural for about 6 months now and have gotten pretty good growth from what i can see but my problem is with building up the self confidence i need to actually wear my beautiful natural hair. I did the big chop and before the big chop have never had short hair i’m 22 and feel as though if i where to wear my coils that society would view it as ” inappropriate” or that the women at my job would view it as unprofessional. Any advise would be really helpful .Thankyou!!
It took me a little while to feel comfortable and confident with my hair so I understand. I wore comb coils & my short fro when my hair was shorter. I don’t see why your short natural hair would be unprofessional at work at all. Put on some pretty jewelry and make up and rock it with pride.
Hi MsLala I’m a teen who wants to go natural. But I don’t want to do the big chop. I’m TOOOO SCARED! So, I would like to know if there are any alternatives and what should I do to keep my hair up and how can I transition to natural hair. And I’ve read that the big chop is a MUST! Is that true?
Hey Kate. Im 16 and I’ve been transitioning since April 2013. The back of my hair is natural but the front still has some relaxed ends. I get braids & leave them in for 2 or 3 months. & I oil my scalp 2 twice a Week. When I take my hair out I usually get blowouts at a Dominican salon & have them cut off some of my ends. This helps you not have to big chop until you have enough growth
I too have transitioned into the natural world without the BIG chop. I didn’t want to lose my length for those moments when I want to straighten my hair or rock a messy bun. It’s rough because now you have to deal with shrinkage closer to the roots and loose strands surrounding, but it is doable. I’ve been natural now for 1 year…and I absolutely LOVE my hair!! My nautal highlights are very profound and it’s very flattering. Especially since I’ve noticed my hair gets lighter as I get older. I have natural auburn and blonde highlights mixed heavily into my sandy brown hair. It’s always been naturally lighter in the warmer months, but it’s now lighter all year. I take advantage of my natural highlights and incorporate it into my natural texture and rock mostly a rebellious look. Hair speaks and mine speaks Loud 🙂 Have fun!
Hi… Im having a lot of lice and nits on my head. Is there any treatment available?
Try fenegreek seeds, just grind them Get from healtfhfood store. Make a paste with small amt warm water. Keep on scalp 1 hour. Rinse. It will kill.
Hi MsLala,
I’ve been completely natural for about 5 months and I am having the hardest time adjusting. Where i live thereare not to many ethnic hair stylists and there is not to many thing i know how to do with my hair. With me being in the military there are only so many things i am allowed to do in uniform. I just experienced a bit of breakage on a mini trip and have been using castor oil to nurse it back to health. i need help keeping my hair healthy, especially since im away from home ALOT.
Hello, I was having a heavy hair loss. I tried maximum of the shampoos and creams
after that I came to know about capigro by amiri. It really worked for my hair. Now i am having as I Imagined it softened my hair and also made my hair strong than before and also I started it last weak it started effecting my hair. I love it so much……
Im trying to grow my hair but keep it natural at the same time and I have no idea what to do?
I’m so glad I found your page. I’ve been natural for 2 years and need all the tips I can get, to grow my hair even longer, softer, and easier to manage hair. I am doing my best to not cave and get a relaxer but its hard. How do you sleep on your hair without tangling up? What’s the best styles to prevent breakage of ends and edges? Also does anyone know of a good natural hair stylist here in Phoenix, AZ?
Hello my name is Terrianna I am 18 years old and attending college (staying on campus). I need hair help. I’ve done the big chop a 2 years ago. My hair is thin, fragile and brittle and very dry it feels like a desert island! I CAN NOT spend ALOT of money.. If I know that the product will not work like people says it does… I also know that my hair is not like everyone’s .. I do not get relaxer! I need hair help. IMMEDIATELY!
Love this post. Very helpful. Thank you!
Good morning everyone!
Happy New Year to you friends. Love and good luck in the new year!
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